How Junos Handles NAT: Types and Configurations

Network Address Translation (NAT) is a critical component of any network, and Juniper Networks' Junos operating system is no exception. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of how Junos handles NAT, the different types of NAT available, and how to configure them. This information is particularly useful for students studying for the JNCIS-ENT certification.

Understanding NAT

NAT is a method used to remap one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in the IP header of packets while they are in transit across a traffic routing device. It enables private IP networks that use non-routable IP addresses to connect to the Internet. NAT operates on a router, usually connecting two networks together, and translates the private (not globally unique) addresses in the internal network into legal addresses before packets are forwarded to another network.

Types of NAT in Junos

Junos supports three types of NAT:

  1. Source NAT (SNAT): This is the most common type of NAT, where the source IP address of a packet is changed. This is typically used when internal hosts need to communicate with the outside world and the internal IP addresses are not routable on the Internet.

  2. Destination NAT (DNAT): This type of NAT changes the destination IP address of a packet. This is typically used when you want to redirect incoming packets with a destination of a public IP address to a private IP address inside your network.

  3. Static NAT (SNAT): This type of NAT maps an unregistered IP address to a registered IP address on a one-to-one basis. This is typically used when a device needs to be accessible from outside the network.

Configuring NAT in Junos

Let's look at how to configure each type of NAT in Junos.

Source NAT Configuration

Here is a basic example of how to configure source NAT:

set security nat source rule-set our-nat-rule-set from zone trust
set security nat source rule-set our-nat-rule-set to zone untrust
set security nat source rule-set our-nat-rule-set rule our-nat-rule match source-address
set security nat source rule-set our-nat-rule-set rule our-nat-rule then source-nat interface

In this example, we are creating a rule-set called our-nat-rule-set that applies to traffic going from the trust zone to the untrust zone. We then create a rule within that rule-set called our-nat-rule that matches traffic from the source address and applies source NAT to it.

Destination NAT Configuration

Here is a basic example of how to configure destination NAT:

set security nat destination pool servers address
set security nat destination rule-set rs1 from zone untrust
set security nat destination rule-set rs1 rule r1 match destination-address
set security nat destination rule-set rs1 rule r1 then destination-nat pool servers

In this example, we are creating a destination NAT pool called servers with the address We then create a rule-set called rs1 that applies to traffic coming from the untrust zone. Within that rule-set, we create a rule r1 that matches traffic to the destination address and applies destination NAT to it, redirecting it to our servers pool.

Static NAT Configuration

Here is a basic example of how to configure static NAT:

set security nat static rule-set rs1 from zone untrust
set security nat static rule-set rs1 rule r1 match destination-address
set security nat static rule-set rs1 rule r1 then static-nat prefix

In this example, we are creating a static NAT rule-set called rs1 that applies to traffic coming from the untrust zone. Within that rule-set, we create a rule r1 that matches traffic to the destination address and applies static NAT to it, redirecting it to the IP address


Understanding how Junos handles NAT is crucial for network engineers working with Juniper devices. By mastering the different types of NAT and how to configure them, you can ensure that your network is properly routing traffic and that your internal resources are accessible as needed. This knowledge is also invaluable for those studying for the JNCIS-ENT certification.

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