Junos Link Aggregation and LACP Deep Dive


Link aggregation, often referred to as port channeling or trunking, allows multiple physical links between two networking devices to behave as a single, logical link. This increases bandwidth, provides redundancy, and can improve load distribution. Junos OS supports link aggregation, and when paired with the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), the reliability and functionality of aggregated links are further enhanced. Dive in as we explore the intricacies of link aggregation and LACP in Junos OS.

1. Basics of Link Aggregation

By combining multiple links, link aggregation provides:

2. LACP: What and Why?

LACP (IEEE 802.3ad) is a protocol that automates the creation, configuration, and management of link aggregation groups (LAGs).

Key Benefits:

3. Configuring Link Aggregation in Junos OS

Defining an Aggregated Ethernet Interface:

user@device# set interfaces ae[number] aggregated-ether-options minimum-links [number]

Assigning Physical Interfaces:

user@device# set interfaces [interface-name] ether-options 802.3ad ae[number]

4. Enabling and Configuring LACP

Activate LACP on Aggregated Ethernet Interface:

user@device# set interfaces ae[number] aggregated-ether-options lacp active

Configuring LACP Mode:

user@device# set interfaces ae[number] aggregated-ether-options lacp passive

5. Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Display LACP Information:

user@switch> show lacp interfaces

Verify Aggregated Interface Configuration:

user@switch> show interfaces ae[number] extensive

Best Practices:

  1. Consistent Configuration: Ensure the same LACP mode (active/passive) on both ends of the aggregated link.
  2. Periodic LACP Checks: Use the show lacp statistics command to verify LACP traffic and detect anomalies.
  3. Use Descriptive Naming: Name aggregated interfaces descriptively to simplify management.


Link aggregation and LACP are essential tools in the arsenal of any network engineer working with Junos OS. They bring together the best of increased bandwidth, redundancy, and dynamic link management to ensure networks are both robust and efficient.

Dive deeper, configure smarter, and always stay connected. Explore with us the vast seas of networking with Junos OS in our upcoming insights. Happy networking!

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