Best Practices for Junos Configuration Management

Junos OS, the operating system for Juniper Networks devices, offers a robust set of features for configuration management. As a network engineer studying for the JNCIS-ENT certification, understanding these features and best practices is crucial. This post will guide you through some of the best practices for Junos configuration management.

Understanding Junos Configuration

Junos configuration is stored in a hierarchical structure, similar to an XML file. This structure allows for easy navigation and understanding of the configuration. The top level of the hierarchy is the root level, and each subsequent level is a child of the previous level.

user@router# show
system {
    host-name router;
interfaces {
    ge-0/0/0 {
        unit 0 {
            family inet {

In the above example, system and interfaces are children of the root level, host-name and domain-name are children of system, and so on.

Configuration Modes

Junos OS has two main configuration modes: Operational mode and Configuration mode.

user@router> configure
Entering configuration mode

Committing Configuration Changes

When you make changes in configuration mode, those changes are not immediately applied. They are stored in a candidate configuration. To apply the changes, you must use the commit command.

user@router# set system host-name new-router
user@router# commit
commit complete

Configuration Rollback

Junos OS stores the last 50 committed configurations. You can rollback to any of these configurations using the rollback command followed by the number of the configuration.

user@router# rollback 1
user@router# commit
commit complete

Configuration Archiving

For additional backup, Junos OS allows you to archive configurations to an off-device location using FTP, SCP, or HTTP. This is configured under the system archival configuration hierarchy.

user@router# set system archival configuration transfer-on-commit
user@router# set system archival configuration archive-sites "" password "ftp-password"


Junos configuration management is a powerful tool in the hands of a network engineer. Understanding the hierarchical structure, configuration modes, commit process, rollback feature, and configuration archiving can greatly enhance your ability to manage and troubleshoot Junos devices. As you prepare for your JNCIS-ENT certification, remember these best practices and apply them in your studies and lab scenarios.

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